I just dug into the database and found that the entry for the registrant is in the database, but not showing up on the backend. Also, all of the custom fields are marked NULL.
ok, just checked dtregistered users again, no failed attempts. I got payment notification for 2 registrants that registered today, and neither one of their records is in the database, nor did i receive email notification of their registrations. A week ago, someone registered and elected to pay later and their record and email showed up fine. Then someone else registered before the 2 missing registrations and every field is null, not just custom fields, but all fields. PLEASE HELP, I can\'t keep going forward like this.
1) Make sure IPN is enabled in your PayPal account and that you have provided a return URL in that IPN setting area.
2) Check your database table dtregister_user. This table stores all of the data for the users that register. Each custom field should have a row in this table for storing custom field data. It may be possible that you have a custom field that is not in this table, then when a user puts data in that field, the data can not be stored thus causing the record to not be created. If you do not know what to check, create a support ticket and provide us database access and we will check for you.
I have a ticket open with info requested. One thing i forgot about was back when i first was testing DTRegister i added a field in the dtregister_user table that was not an actual custom field in dtregister. Would that have been a problem? Take a look and let me know what you think.
OK, i just upgraded to 2.4.3 to see if my problem is resolved. I finally deduced that the missing records were all registrants that payed with paypal. Basically, since the 1st 3 individuals paid with paypal back in February, no paypal registrations are entered into the database, and I know of 19 registrations since then that were paid with paypal because i got the receipt from paypal.
My questions is what happens to their record when they submit to pay with paypal? It might be a good idea to right it to the db as a failed attempt, or pending, until IPN comes back with the expected information. That way we can always go back, if/when, there is ever and issue and see every record that was every submitted, regardless of its perceived success in the registration process. Now i have to track down the 19 registrants, based on their parents email addresses from Paypal and request that they resubmit their registration with the pay later option so that I actually get a record created. This may be fixed in the latest release, but i will have to test.
Please let me know if the pending registration or something of the like can be accomplished so that we can mitigate issues like this moving forward.
bragaidan - 2.4.3 did correct a couple IPN related issues that affected some users. The initial release of 2.4.3 was missing some of those changes. The package was updated yesterday so if you downloaded it prior to 8:40pm EST on 4/6/09, you should download it again to make sure you have the latest files.
As long as you are current, your IPN should work just fine. Regarding your old records, data is not all lost. There is a database table that stores the session data before sending users to PayPal. That data is not displayed in the backend of DT Register but it is there and you should be able to locate any missing record info. The table is jos_dtregister_paypal_session and the field with the info is \"data\". Of course the \"jos_\" may be different in your database.
The data stored here is not nice and pretty, but it is there and you should be able to find it and determine what you are looking for. If you need help digging out your info, let us know. Moving forward, you shouldn\'t need to do any of this as it appears the IPN is working correctly for everyone now.