DT Register 2.7.0 - Category Management
Learn how to setup and use categories within DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0 Configuration: View Registrants, User Panel & Barcodes
Learn how to configure the frontend attendee's list, user panel and barcode creation in DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0 Configuration: Messages & Emails
Learn how to configure the onscreen messages and emails for DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0 - Permissions Management
Learn how to setup the Permissions structure within DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register: Upcoming Events Module
Learn how to install and use the upcoming event module for DT Register 2.7.x

DT Register 2.7.0 Configuration: Event Listing & Calendar
Learn about the configuration options for the frontend event listing and calendar view for your events in DT Register,

DT Register 2.7.0 Configuration: View Registrants, User Panel & Barcodes
Learn how to configure the frontend attendee's list, user panel and barcode creation in DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0 Fields: General
Learn how to manage fields within DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0 Configuration: General & Profile Sync
Setup the general parameters and user profile sync options of DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0: CSV Export
Use the CSV Export utility in DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0: Input Fields
Create and use various input field options within DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0: Selection Fields
Create and use selection fields (dropdowns, checkboxes and radio buttons) within DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0: Event Management
Learn about the event management structure of DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.7.0 Events: General
Learn about the items on the General tab within the events creation and editing of DT Register 2.7.0

DT Register 2.6 to 2.7 Migration
Upgrading into the new 2.7 series has a number of steps, but if you follow the instructions, it is not difficult.

DT Register MailChimp Subscriber
This plugin enables you to automatically add event registrations (through DT Register) as subscribers to your MailChimp newsletter groups

DT Register ICS Import Plugin
This plugin allows you to import events into DT Register (for Joomla) from outside calendars including Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook and Mac's iCal.

DT Register: Conditional Fields
Conditional fields brings a level of flexibility and power to DT Register that you can't find elsewhere for Joomla event registration and booking.

DT Register: Auto Reminder & Follow Up Emails
Learn how to setup and use auto email reminders and follow ups for DT Register, the leading event registration solution for Joomla CMS.

DT Register: Discount Codes
Learn how to use the full capabilities of discount codes within DT Register 2.7, the leading event registration solution for Joomla CMS.

DT Register Google Calendar Export Plugin
This video shows how to setup and use the Google Cal Export plugin for the DT Register component for Joomla event registration.

DT Register: Member Discounts
Learn how to setup and use member discounts for your event registration when using DT Register

DT Register AcyMailing Subscriber Plugin
This video walks you through the installation and setup of our Joomla plugin that takes event registrants from the DT Register component and subscribes them to email newsletter lists within your AcyMailing component.

DT Register Plugin: DocuSign Generator
The Docusign Generator plugin integrates our DT Docusign and DT Register components together! You can setup an event registration to automatically generate a document in your DocuSign account that is linked to a Joomla user and able to be viewed and signed through your DT Docusign setup.

DT Docusign Demo
Demo of the DT Docusign component for Joomla, made available by DTH Development. View, manage, create and sign documents within your Joomla website, fully integrated with your DocuSign account!