DT Donate 4.0 is major updates with lots of new features and huge updates on codebase plus structure and especially new payment gateways system that is integrated with JA Payment Gateways plugin that is based on Omnipay platform and will supports 40+ popular payment gateways.
Today, we are releasing DT Donate 4.0 alpha for 5 more payment gateways supprt and 18 bug fixes.
If you missed the preview release announcement, please check our DT Donate 4.0 preview. Here is the list of new features in the new version of DT Donate Joomla donation extension:
- Campaign management.
- Theme and template function
- Develop new payment gateway plugin that will support 40+popular gateways
- Add more modules
- Front-end style and layout improvements
- Back-end layout and mockup update
Note: this preview release is FREE and for testing purpose, DO NOT use it for your project.
DT Donate 4.0 Alpha update details:
- Frontend: Alert message should be changed to red color
- Frontend: Checkbox is need more styled
- Backend: Problem with counter
- Can't donate campaign with the amount from 1000 and over
- Custom field: Shouldn't allow creating a new field with empty Name
- Backend: Can't search by keyword
- DT Donate Campaigns module: Can't open campaign detail when clicking on the title
- Currency does not match
- Frontend: Can't show Currency symbol
- DT Donate Campaigns module: Got error page when show date format is Relative
- Can't donate with the campaign having custom field
- Should have "copy" prefix with the duplicate item
- Backend - Campaign: Mark requied with some parameters
- Backend - Custom field: Change label text
- Backend: Add more Categories into Quick Links section
- Donate modules: Can't show currency symbol
- Frontend: Warning error on payment gateway section
- Frontend: Probem with term content
JA Payment Gateway plugin Alpha updated for 5 more payment gateways support:
- TwoCheckout
- Sofort
- Mollie
- Eway_Rapid
- Eway_Direct
DT Donate 4.0 Roadmap:
- Support more payment gateways on new Payment gateway plugin
- Develop more themes
- Support DT Donate in Joomla templates
- Support more currencies
DT Donate 4.0 live demo
We also setup demo for DT Donate 4.0 to show off the new features and improvements for design / theme.
Download Alpha version (free) Demo