I was able to re-produce the white page error
view here
Problem was after setting it back to what it was it was still broken
And the whole process was not displaying properly
ie:- no input fields after the amount for the group page (2)
It would go to "Member 1 Information" with no fields and if you clicked next it would go to the white page
By the way , I deleted my old family membership event
And copied the single membership event
Then adjusted it to group etc and renamed it back to family membership
Saved then before adjusting the fields i tested it with a new registration
The emails ( Admin and user ) came through with all the Field tags populated
Just thought i'd tell you that . Don't know if it helps
On a side note , I tested the required sections in the field set up in the event as well
If set to required ( yes ) BUT had billing only
The fields would still show with an ASTERIX in the "Member 1 Information" and "Member 2 Information" when registering but upon testing were not required as I left some fields empty ( That had an asterix ) . Could be a bit confusing to end users. I will do some more testing but the individual events seem to be working perfectly . Only anything to do with Group events.
Another thing is , testing on my individual event ( Single Membership )
I have turned off allow partial payments
I then get the register another event and checkout buttons
Set my price to free and tried again through the register another event button
and it went straight to the thanks page
Where as one was paid for so I should have got the option for the checkout again
Which I didnt
So Obviously we need to be able to stop a free event being added to a paid event otherwise it misses the pay options
This would obviously be in select order as if you did the free one first it would not even give you the cart option .
Is there any reason why the cart option cant be set for free events as well so you get to checkout with a paid and free event combined in your cart
Only way to get the FAMILY membership ( group ) to work again was to set the fields back to DEFAULT ( Under fields tab in event - Used for this Event? )
Once I adjusted the Group Registrations section again under the event field tab it broke again . That is how I am leaving it till you can check it out .
I have submitted a ticket ( TECH-AYX0WS4E8M ) with log in details so you can have a look