We've installed this on a completely clean site which has never had any version of DT Register on before .
I am not slagging DTH off AT ALL , the thing is the frustration factor has kicked in . We have tried to just accept the updates from 2.6.9 as we know the DTH staff are flat out trying to get this to work acceptably .
We are resellers of a hosting service which were looking at integrating this with our templates for clients which we made DTH aware of when we purchased this component as we were committed to buy the developers version but after 4 months of persisting with updates we find that none of the major issues we are having are being addressed as it still doesn't work correctly as per DTH's guidelines as we have one major client right now who is screaming at us to get this application working .
What is the solution?
Firstly we see a problem with the 'Magic Quotes"
If ( as we are ) You are on a hosted server ( which most joomla installs are ) and you have no control over your php configuration , it seems like the software is made for a non 'Magic Quote' Environment . The reason why I am saying this is because the emails that get sent from a host that has 'Magic Quotes' Enabled have a \ before the apostophe (') . We are receiving this problem on our reseller host which has '"magic Quotes' Enabled.
Number of registeree\'s:- 2
Date: 2011-01-13
That was from an email that was sent to admin after a registration
The Multiple cart function doesn't work out of the box
In fact we have no idea how we got it to work ONCE in a test site.
But we did . When we tried to add another EVENT it went through the process and then it
went to a white page with : Registration Payment amount : $360
(or something along those lines)
Then Upon backspacing ( as you do ) all items were cleared from the Cart
Everything was set up by the way to all tutorials from webinars and youtube tutes. So anyone that says its not set up right can pm us at our profile here for more info . We have everything set up according to the instructions created by DTH so we are not saying that it is wrong we are asking for advice as obviously our configuration doesn't sit well with DTH.
And what's the story with the password field?
If I want to put the registered users password tag in my email I receive their password??
WTF is that all about
That to me screams of unsecure . Sorry but I run a fair few sites that even if my ex wife stumbled across that info
god help the end user ......lol
My Solution : even though i'm shit at doing what these guys do (DTH)
is :-
Please go and sign up a hosted server ( Instead of your dedi or vps )
And test this software in the environment it will be used in by the majority
(ie:- Hosted sever with a jooomla kick)
We have used dedicated software which overcomes all the problems in any way we can think of
But you seem to be dismissing all the arguments because your set up works fine ,
I am telling you it's broke ( for some reason ) and it's not universal
Not saying fix it etc etc but if it aint working like it should be within a week
we are gong to say bye bye ( Unfortunately ) as this has cost us a lot of money
We know we will probably be flamed for this post but hey
After 4 months wiping your a** with sandpaper you are always sure it's gonna get better