I was able to do some testing of DTregister v2.3.3 tonight and have found a very large issue with Paypal integration. In a nutshell, registrations are marked as paid as soon as DTregister redirects over to Paypal.
In version 2.3.2, the payment_verified field in the _users table did not get flagged until you clicked \"return to merchant\" in paypal screen. If users neglected to do this, their payment never got updated and they showed up as a failed registration. This was a defect I reported and that supposed to be fixed in the next version.
In version 2.3.3, as soon as the redirect is done to PayPal, an examination of the record and payment_verified field in database (or a display of registration records via the backend) shows the payment has already been acknowledged. If the user clicks cancel while in PayPal screens, the product does the right thing and removes the payment_verified flag. HOWEVER, if the user decides not to make a payment and just closes their browser or navigates away, the system thinks they successfully registered EVEN THOUGH NO PAYMENT WAS RECEIVED.
Just wanted to be sure those who are using PayPal as a payment system were aware of this defect before jumping into the upgrade!
dthadmin wrote: We are working on this guys... stay tuned... should have an update for you by tomorrow, but wanted to let you know it is in progress.
Excellent news - thanks!
p.s. Have you looked at using Paypal\'s IPN to validate the payment transaction is processed correctly? This is what the "notify_url" is for around line 1263 of dtregister.php I believe. I haven\'t spent too much time looking at it, but appears there is a two stage "commit" behind the scenes to this URL - see demo & documentation here:
https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/websc ... al-outside