I have just performed my first test install of DT Register and am trying to configure it according to clients needs. I'm looking for a way to use event short description as a basis for event detail presentation on the front end.
Or in other words I'm trying to figure out how to avoid making client write an extra article (or use JEvents) to have a description of the event. In this case a simple editor window (such as any under messages tab for event) would suffice. Is there any way this can be done?
Hi Steve and thanx for showing me a nice replacement for TinyMCE.
But what I'm looking to solve is getting the value of this field (or a similar one) to be used as main event description. So that when a visitor to a site clicks on either event link or details button it would be taken to a page with this text/pictures instead of either JEvents page or Joomla Article.
Okay, I see what you are trying to do now. I don't see anyway to do that. The only options that I see are linking to a separate Joomla article or using the Message/Instructions area above the registration form.