We have not tried using another payment processor, but we assume that it is handled the same way; Pay with credit card, hit submit button, payment goes to processor, wrong card information entered(internet goes down, power goes out, aliens attack,...), all registration data is lost. I believe that it is a bug as well. If it is working as intended then it is improperly implemented, either way it is a bug. Add a temp field, add function to add data to field upon submit button press, release bug fix. Please:)
Are you purposely ignoring this thread? You have responded to other threads so we know you've read the forums in the last couple of days. Please don't tell us to "file a ticket" - this is nothing a ticket will resolve, other than to inundate you even more with issues that won't be resolved without a new version anyway.
I would think any bug causing data loss would be a high or critical one, yet your only response so far is to blame IPN settings and then pretend nothing else is wrong. I am not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling here.
Unfortunately, I am losing lots of money waiting on you to address this. No more. Please advise the quickest way to get a refund for this product.
I seem to have a similar problem. I had a customer register and go through paypal. The transaction was completed on paypal but dtregister never showed the record for the transaction. What can cause this?
mregan wrote: I seem to have a similar problem. I had a customer register and go through paypal. The transaction was completed on paypal but dtregister never showed the record for the transaction. What can cause this?
Now this sounds like a problem with the Paypal IPN configuration as that is what causes the record to be created in DT Register. Refer to the second post in this thread for details on settings.
AGAIN, that is a BUG in logic!
The record should be created BEFORE the transaction is even sent to paypal - or any transaction for that matter.
During my test, I got charged each time and no record was created - seriously, please explain to me how that can NOT be the fault of the software?
Assume the configuration is correct. Assume the paypal configuration is correct. You can STILL have something happen that prevents the IPN from being received that is no fault of the configuration of DT Register or PayPal (it happens! it really does! Data gets corrupted all the time - we're entering a cycle of high sunspot activity, for instance. That causes a lot of data transmission issues depending on the specific network path between servers. Even more mundane, something happens to a switch and it starts injecting bogus noise in the data stream.). The person trying to register gets charged and we have no record he even ATTEMPTED to register. He then shows up at the event all PO'd because we don't have his badge and perks ready.
We have established that this is not an IPN issue because we are talking about something that should happen BEFORE PayPal is even part of the equation. Please address this issue as to whether or not a fix will be implemented. A simple, "Yes we are working on releasing a fix." or "No, we are not looking at this as a problem and will not address this in future releases." Which one is it? Yes or No?