One is a Free Open House which doesn't have a specific date or time that happen every Sept. I want people to be able request "Advance Notice" in leui of "Register". and then send the information when It becomes available. This feature should allow you to put in a general time frame but not a specific time and the button"register" should be replace with "Pre-register" or "advance notice"
I also have events or classes that are neither time specific or cost per person.
People can rent our curling equipment for one hour up to 2 hours at a time at an hourly rate. I would like to see a "Proposal" button in leui of "Register". where they can choose a time or times or a specified period. And then it can be accepted, changed, or declined.
This would allow you to put in and time related cost ($25/hour) Time limitations or call first under date. The "register" button can be replace with "Inquiry"
I think this has legs.
I run extended 4WD trips and would like to post an event that has a vague time and details. The time and details would be finalized after sufficient interest is shown in the general event. I would see that the idea of "Pre-registration" (do not have to complete payments) is good. Need only collect the name, email and phone number plus custom fields so that the trip can be geared to the interested person's vehicles and equipment (for example).
These pre-registrants might be placed on a sort of wait list when the details are firmed up.
"Pre-registration" is common for conferences also before the exact conference program is established.
Need to be able to email those pre-registered for a future event.
We are working on a separate component called DT Schedule that will fit more in line with these type of scenarios. It won't be available for probably a couple months still though.