Sorry it took me so long to reply to the thread.. I forgot to follow-up on this.
Now, I will not support this at so no questions unless it's amongst other members here. I'll chip in if I have time. Use this at your own risk and you need to understand PHP and the JEvents component to use/embed this. If not, get help from someone.
This hack has been tested with Outlook 2007 and Apple Calendar.
The attached zip file contains 3 files:
createics.php (creates the ICS file for Outlook for event creation)
outlook.jpg (copy this file to your images/stories dir.)
events.html.php-hack.txt (hack for JEvents)
Now, unzip these files to your local HD. Upload the createics.php to your /components/com_events dir.
Copy outlook.jpg file to your /images/stories dir.
Lastly, open the events.html.php-hack.txt file and copy the one line of code there to your clipboard. Open the /components/com_events/events.html.php file. Locate the following line (around 108):
// Mat Oct 5/04 show details only if called from a selected event to avoid probs with navbar
if (isset($row)) {
-> Insert the copied line of code somewhere in here and then test.
That should do it. The createics.php file will do the rest.
Good luck...
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