I\'d like the ability to specify a tax percentage for customers. Taxes for different regions would be great! But just a straight tax percentage calculation would be fine for now. I want it to be separate so that on the event page I can display it without taxes included: $100 + Tax, and then on the registration page: $113.00.
Or even if you could specify where in the php I would add that *1.13, that alone would be all I would really need.
you should be editing the /components/com_dtregister/dtregister.php file.
everywhere you see $amountCharged,2 you need to add your multiplier before the comma and...
everywhere you see $amountCharged+$latefee you need to add your multiplier to this as well.
NOTE: I have not implemented this as I have no need to, and You should always make a backup of the file before you start messing with it.
Also it may be better for you to make an extra variable at the top of the code with the tax rate assigned to it and use that variable as your multiplier so you can update the rate easily.