I'm likely the one millionth person to bring this up.
I've used DT Register in the past and have found it to be one of the most robust integrated event tools of any CMS system; Joomla, Wordpress, and Drupal. I've been a Joomla advocate for years, however I've found myself using Wordpress more often these days.
After researching and using Wordpress event plugins, I've found myself less then satisfied due to their lack of functionality and inability of the developers to anticipate the needs of the market. Today, DT Register is still by far the most advanced event module I've used. I have contemplated recommending Joomla to clients just to use DT Register.
Unfortunately Wordpress offers a very advantageous benefit. The community has developed a huge quantity of well developed themes that have already integrated various event plugins. To use DT Register with Joomla requires significant CSS/PHP customization in order to maintain a visual appeal comparable to what we are seeing with Wordpress themes.
My personal thought is if you were to develop DT Register for Wordpress, the community would immediately identify the plugin as superior and integrate it into their themes accordingly.
With that said you have a great product and continue the good work.
Tom D | Creative & Corporate |