It would be very helpful to have a STRIPE payment method.
And if you want to make it REALLY cool - allow us to add a 'fee' (percentage or flat fee) that we charge for each event - so that the main registration fees automatically go to the pay option owner, but the 'fee' goes to the site owner's Stripe account (which is possible with the Stripe API). Now THAT would be a cool functionality to have in DT Register!
Are there any plans to expand the payment gateway options with DT Register. I am looking for an alternate to PayPal.
There aren't that many pay-as-you-go option out there vs. a monthly payment option for gateways and STRIPE looks promising. I have gotten many user experience complaints about using PayPal (I think PayPal more or less forces you to set up a PayPal account even if you want to pay by credit card, which turns people off)
Just wondering how soon Stripe Payment will be available. I'm setting up a new website that really prefer Stripe over PayPal.
Thanks for this great registration software! Stripe would be awesome.