I would like that we can set the date field. Imagine that a date field is a date of birth and a person under 18 years can not register for this event. Or an event is reserved for people born between the years 2000 and 2004 for example. Thank you very much.
This would be a great feature. And also have the date select me MM,DD,Year i separate drop-downs. Using a calendar never work well. Most cannot figure out how to get the years to go back and forth.
The "Age" facility very much so. Most of our events involve children and their ages demote what they can register for. It is probably quite complex as it needs to be the age at the event (which can be over several days so it would need to be start of event) or a cut off date (when having to deal with school years in the UK it is determined by age on 3 September)
If this feature was to be considered I would be happy to put more work into a specification and use cases.