I would like to have a dropdown in the J! menu item creation for DT Register to choose only one JEvents category. That way, I could create separate links for separate categories of events...
For instance, (I use J! SEF urls) -- I could create DT Register menu item that would select only the JEvents category \"Category A\" with an alias of \"cata\" -- When a user goes to site.com/cata they would see a list of events to register for from only the category Category A.
Then I could create another menu item for JEvents category \"Category B\" with an alias \'catb\' -- going to site.com/catb would show the events from \"Category B\" only.
This would simply be an alternate layout/view in Joomla menu item type.
You just answered a topic I was looking for. I just got a license for DT register, but the fact that I can\'t show specific categories as a group just broad me back to earth. All features are there but not the fact that I can display event in the categories As I created them in Jevent (or do I miss something). The website I\'m making has to do registrations for several different training groups that don\'t belong together. In the final website the are on different pages or clearly separated within one page.
When this is the same wish as yours, you have my vote.
Please Please Please put this feature in. If you only have a few events then this feature is not important, however I have loads. I cant use this product as I\'m sure I would put my customers off by making them scrol through pages of dates and events...
I wish I knew about this before I purchased the product...
Its a no brainer...
The new 2.3 has a category structure for the events. It does NOT use the categories from JEvents as we are preparing for giving other calendar options. You can create categories then assign events to the categories. On the frontend, users can filter and show events from a specific category. Thanks.