I made this code change myself on one site where I installed DT Register. I would like to see such code embedded into DT.
The user scenario runs like this:
Sometimes customers claim to have NOT received a confirmation email. Owing to spam filters this actually happens quite often.
But because I cc all emails to a gmail address, it is very easy for me to just enter the user's email, and get back a list of all emails sent to that users. I can then forward them the email they claim to have not received.
This could actually be a simple thing to do if there is a choke point where all sent emails go through such as a mail function.
Let us know if this is possible and can be integrated into a future release.
That's a great idea, and although not perhaps critical, would be a good peace of mind thing as, as an administrator, you don't actually have any record of the confirmation emails being sent.
I use Fox Contact on the contact pages of all my managed websites and the latest version allows you to in effect CC all sent messages from the contact form to a Joomla user - with the messages coming up under "messages" when logged in. Maybe this could be possible?
can you tell us which code you changed? During the registrations for events of a customer of mine, there are three emailaddresses entered and i would like to sent the confirmation to all three emailaddresses.
My code doesn't seem to work following an upgrade. But I would like to point the following additional use case to the site admins.
USE CASE: Proving someone agreed to the terms and conditions
Each event has terms and conditions. But if you needed to provide in a court of law, that an attendee agreed to a set of conditions, just how would you do that given that the terms and conditions can be arbitrarily changed? The best way is to have a copy of the actual mail sent -- and a feature to cc or bcc an email of the user's choosing would do just that.
So if you weren't convinced before, I hope this will convince you to add this much needed feature.