In our quest to make the best online reg form for our youth conference ( I\'d LOVE to see some way to create extra pages of custom forms, such as \"Church Information\" or \"Youth Leader Information\" that could take the place of our pdf form. As it is now, I think I can add a bunch of fields to the bottom of the last screen for a group registration, but I can\'t group that with spacers or headers, it\'s all just one long chunk of fields.
I just think it would take this component to the next level if you could create extra \"final step\" pages that ask for certain types of info before the person is completely done.
Another cool option would be the ability to ask the user for certain files, allowing them to say, upload a pack of filled in PDFs during registration. This would allow for the receipt of permission slips, etc right in the registration process. You could also do it per registrant so that at each persons page, the leader uploads their permission form and it gets attached to that members name in the admin screen.