A have numerous custom event fields - when I'm managing an event it's always a pain to see every single field (Event Edit > Fields Tab) rather than just active ones..... Makes it hard to pick out the active fields and work with them
My Suggestion:
When editing an event and on fields tab, only ACTIVE fields display... Under those is then a 'Add new Field' option which would then bring up a system to choose to bring in another custom field from those set up.
This would also be a GREAT HELP at the Front End where right now my event organisers would see ALL FIELDS including those irrelevant to them. This way they'd only see the relevant ones - and the others only if they pushed the button!
Absolutely, I have several clients running dozens of events with a dozen custom fields each. It's getting out of control. I would very much love to see the ability to add events from a populated list.... in an "Add Field" format.
Totally agree with this one - lots of ways to implement something to help with field management. Showing the actives ones would be great, also you could show the fields used per category. If nothing else, a simple filter would help!