Here is how to use the DT Register EventLink Mambot that comes with DT Register 2.2.0 and later:
1) Install the mosdtregister.php mambot by going to:
Installers -> Mambots
2) After successful installation, go to Mambots -> Site Mambots to see the list of installed mambots. Find the DT Register one you just installed and click the name to open it.
3) Change Published to \"Yes\"
4) On the right, you\'ll see a SSL parameter. Set this to NO if you do not have a SSL certificate on your domain. Set this to YES if you DO have a SSL cert. This will make your embedded registration links use the \"https\" secure url. This is only necessary if you are using the payment option. Click \"Save\" to exit the mambot parameters.
5) In the Content Items Manager, go to the content page you want to embed a link in. Insert this code:
In place of \"eventID\", insert the actual number of the event. You can see this in your JEvents list or just by clicking on the link to the event on the frontend of your site from the DT Register page. You\'ll see eventID=x in the menu. ALSO, remove \"EDIT\" from the two places you see it above. In the brackets is \"dtregister\"... NOT \"dtregisterEDIT\". The \"EDIT\" was added to keep the mambot from converting the tag here to the event link.
So the embedded mambot code will actually look something like this:
I am trying to check on this forum about how to use the Mambot to embed a Register Here link in content items. This is the only forum post I could find about it.
The Code descriptions in the original post here are not displaying, I have tried Firefox and IE7. All other text displays ok just not the code lines (the most important piece)!
Can someone please advise what actual code needs to be included in content items to use the mambot to place a Register Here link in the content?
Can the mambot be enhanced with some parameters that make it easy to show the event name and date, for example?, so that long lists of events don\'t have to be manually compiled.
Can\'t get the mambot working on 1.5 installation. Followed the instructions carefully (hope I did) but the code stays as dead code in the content item: \"...Aanmelding is verplicht en kan hier {dtregister}12{/dtregister} of door...\"
Pity, because rest works fine! What did I miss?