How can i change the font colors? My template is a darker one so black lettering won't work, and inside the forms it is using white lettering? How can i adjust these?
Yes, certainly! Go to: /components/com_dtregister/main.css Download that css file to your computer, make the necessary changes, then upload the modified file. This is a very simple CSS file, and you'll only need to change two or three spots. Just find the color code #000000 (which is black) and change it to whatever color you need.
Worked like magic. Thanks so much. WAHOO love it. One thing I would love is the ability to put the price in but not go to paypal or CC. We would collect the money at the door but want them to register online and know how much it is. Many thanks
We're finishing up the new version now which adds a "Pay Later" option so people can pay via mail, at the door, etc. Glad you're liking the component. We'd appreciate it if you would take a minute and post an excellent vote and review for DT Register on the JOomla extensions site. Thanks!