So my client purchased DT Register and finally launched an event for registration. There will likely be 2500-3000 participants. As I\'m sure is frequently the case, occasionally (and in this case often) changes need to be made to the registrants records manually. So.. With 3000 records, no way of searching and no way of sorting by columns, how exactly do I tell my client how to quickly find a registrant record to make manual changes?
\"Just set the record view to 50 and start scrolling through pages\"???
Tell me, please tell me, I am overlooking something here. I am certain that there is no way this consideration wasn\'t made in the programming?
In the current version, the only filter is by event. There is a drop-down above the records so you can filter and only show records for a specific event. Yes, there should be other options, but they are not in the current version. There are improvements to this in the new 2.3 that is about to be released.
I know this is only a drop in the bucket for 3000 participants, but you can sort each page by field name by clicking the field name at the top of the columns.
Also, if the participant can forward their confirmation email, then you should be able to guestimate approximately what page they will be on. So you should be able to narrow your search to a few pages and then sort by name.
If you have not done so already, please add participant search to the feature wish list. Thanks! I\'d like to see that too.