Hello fellow DTR users,
I submitted a ticket but have not heard from dthadmin or anyone on the developer front, so I am reaching out to fellow users of DT Register to see if there is anyone with a similar problem and / or has any soluton to
\"NO Confirmation eMail to Registrant? (Using PayPal Payment)\"?
Currently, as registration for our volleyball tryouts we use DTR and have a event registration form, ask a user to complete the form, go to NEXT, go to SEND to get to PAYPAL, finish payment, go back to our website, get a echo on the screen a message, saying we got the Tryout registration and you\'ll get a confirming email.
Well, our website admin gets an email from PayPal that a fee has been collected, our website admin gets an email sent to confirm a new registrant, BUT NOTHING IS SENT TO THE USER / REGISTRANT.
Hopefully this helps explain the process we are using and were it work and does NOT work. Your assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you,
[email protected]