Thanks for the helpful Forum.
I\'m having a challenge generating reports, the DTregister CVS export works well BUT i was wondering is there a way i can modify the /administrator/components/com_dtregister admin.dtregister.php file in suach a way that i can generate dynamic report based on selective events which a client selects?
For examples, lets say i have 2 events, soccer and tennis, how can i add an interface at the backend that it adds a dropdown after the CSV export button,to which a client can select soccer or tennis and then only the report for that event to be generated?
At the moment i get one report for both events.
I would like this feature as well. This should definitely be built in to the next version. The CVS Export is useless to me without this feature. I don\'t believe the exported data even has a field to indicate which event each record was for. So that you can at least sort them.