i am testing the version 3.3.0 of DTRegister, in local mode before live, with Joomla 3.8.8.
I have the same error like in this post :
Unable to see registrant list. Thanks to help on this problem.
I have too a strange layout in the bottom of page (see attachment)
... Unable to join attachment : "Unknown column protected in field list"... Problem with your site
I have the code in bottom of event frontend page :
Joomla\Registry\Registry Object
[data:protected] => stdClass Object
[__default] => stdClass Object
[session] => stdClass Object
[counter] => 29
[timer] => stdClass Object
[start] => 1527401362
[last] => 1527402026
[now] => 1527402029
[token] => QwajoojYlbfgP4Sl5VF4ktrpf0WWw1Ud
[registry] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object
[data:protected] => stdClass Object
[initialized:protected] =>
[separator] => .
[user] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object
[isRoot:protected] =>
[id] => 494