Looking for confirmation on whether or not the following scenario can be handled without having to go in and manually change fees multiple times during an active registration period:
5 levels for the same conference based on when attendee registers
Early Bird Registration Fee: Before March 31st ($195)
Registration Fee: April - June ($250)
Registration Fee: July - September ($300)
Registration Fee: October - November 7th($350)
Registration Fee: November 8th - 11th ($400)
And/or any advice on the most efficient way to handle this scenario is also appreciated.
Hello. DT Register allows 3 different price points based on date. The early bird, base rate, and late fee. You can utilize those but you'll have to manually make a change for 2 additional time frames. From March to November is a very long time, so you choose what is best. For example, you could do:
1) Early Bird Rate
2) Base Rate
3) Manual modify Base Rate
4) Late Fee
5) Manual modify late fee
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