I neeed to insert some pictures in an email message after my users get registered. But the problem is when the receive the email, the images are not displayed, just the text.
This is an editor problem, not a DT Register problem. Your editor is set to use relative URLs... meaning it drops the "
" from the URL and just gives the "images/yourimage.jpg". In the website, it works fine. Outside of your website in someone's email client, it will not work.
Change the config of your editor to NOT use relative URLs... or if your editor allows, at least set it this way for use in DT Register.
Nathan is no longer affiliated with DTH since the recent acquisition. You can connect with him and get any type of Joomla website help at
Images not displayed in email message
10 years 8 months ago #23441
Well, we are not support for your editor... but which one are you using? If you are using the default TinyMCE editor, go to Plugin Manager, then open the plugin "Editor - TinyMCE". In the parameters, you'll see "URLs" set to "Relative". Change it to "Absolute".
If you want more in depth controls, or per component capabilities, you'll need to use a better editor like JCE.
Nathan is no longer affiliated with DTH since the recent acquisition. You can connect with him and get any type of Joomla website help at
[SOLVED] Images not displayed in email message
8 years 6 months ago #26217
1. Go to JCE --> Editor Profiles
2. copy "Default"
3. rename, set on first place of order, open new profile, go to Setup
4. Assignment --> Area --> Backend
5. Components --> Select from List --> DT Register
6. Go to Editor Parameters
7. Cleanup & Output --> Relative URLs --> No.
8. Save & Close.