I'm trying to change my green register button. I did this before in 2.7 but struggling right now to replicate.
I have confirmed that my over ride is working correctly. Edits to this file reflect on my event list, except the edits that I'm doing to the button!
I'm trying to hard code a different path to the button, line 144
even though I've changed the path I'm still getting a green button. I've searched all the tmpl files and can't find the button referenced anywhere else.
How do I change the button, thanks.
$title = '<img src="'.JURI::root(true).'/images/buttons/buy_tickets.png" class="event_button" alt="'.JText::_('DT_VIEW_DETAILS').'" />';
$class = 'class="detailslink"';
$start_brace = '';
$end_brace = '';