Same issue... I have an open ticket for this as well. Same basic message:
Error: 0 - SQL=select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from abc_dtregister_event_detail where slabId=1 and member <= order by member desc LIMIT 0, 1
Seems like awonky SQL statement, as that <= should have a value after it -- as in less than or equal to *what*? But, I didn't see where this statement is generated, and am hoping that DTH provides the fix.
I suspect there's something we all have in common besides this error because something like this never would have made it past testing during their development. So, maybe it's another odd setting that's making that weird SQL select statement fire like that.
I should have responded sooner.
My problem is fixed now. There was a tiny, incremental change to the download file for the Joomla 3 update. I did have to delete the extension on my site and then re-install the new file.
I do believe that the ordering column was the issue fixed in the incremental update. I was having no luck ordering my fields before the update.