We've been getting a lot of errors reported from our users trying to make payments in the User Panel. Our events (tours) require multiple payments, so we only require a deposit (partial payment) upon registration and then the user logs in via the user panel to make subsequent payments based on a payment schedule. The first payment deposit worked fine, but some people are getting the following error when trying to make the follow up payments:
Warning: curl_setopt() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /nfs/c08/h03/mnt/120205/domains/academicexpeditions.com/html/components/com_dtregister/lib/payment/authorizenet.php on line 289
Warning: curl_setopt() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /nfs/c08/h03/mnt/120205/domains/academicexpeditions.com/html/components/com_dtregister/lib/payment/authorizenet.php on line 291
"Try Again"
After learning of these errors, I updated DT Register (Joomla 2.5) to the latest 2.8.15c and reset our Authorize.net transaction keys. Some of the people who got the error before have been able to successfully make a payment, but now we're getting a new round of people who are getting the error. So it's not a universal problem, but those people who have reported it to us have told us that they've made several attempts, double-checking their info, so I do not think this is a user problem.
We're running "Installed Version: 3.1.4b" on Joomla 3.4.5. We've been running DT Register for several years, but haven't ever hit this problem before.
It's a bit of a priority for us as we host four events per week and we get a couple folks every week running into this.
Should I file a ticket for this, or will this thread do? Actually, just realized I'm posting about this in a Joomla 1.7/2.5 forum. I'll post fresh in there and reference this post so it exists in both forums as it seems to be happening in both versions.