I need a calendar that will repeat identical events 6 days per week. Only the start times will vary . Each event is to be 45 minutes long.
Event A beginning at 10:00 AM and ending at 10:45. The next event B will begin at 10:45 and last until 11:00 AM. Event C is also identical except for the time (11:00 AM til 12:15PM). Events run back to back from 10AM until 8PM.
There needs to be 16 repetitions of these 6 days per week.
I can get the first event A to repeat but the others will not repeat.
There are four different categories so I will need at least 4 calendars with 16 virtually identical events at different times every day. Is there something in the Configuration that I can change? :
First, note that repeating events in DT Register creates each occurrence as a separate event. While the details are the same, each repeat is a separate event that can be registered for. It is not ONE event happening on multiple days. Just clarifying that.
Second, if you create separate events... A, B, C, D, E, etc... each one can have it's own repeating setup. You'll need a 10:00 event repeating each day... a 10:45 event repeating each day... a 11:00 event repeating each day, etc.
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