I'm replying to my own post. This is weird.
But I found a solution for my problem...
In add_tab.general.php there's a query for the database:
$query = "Select c.* from #__categories c where published <> 0 and parent_id > 0 ".$con." order by lft asc ";
This query will return all categorys from the ***** _categorys table of the database - which are published and parent_id > 0.
Better would be perhaps:
$query = "Select c.* from #__categories c where published <> 0 and extension = 'com_content' and parent_id > 0 ".$con." order by lft asc ";
Seems to work for me - but I'm not a SQL expert and I'm unsure about the side effects my changes will have, so i would like to hear what dth_development says to this change.