Hello, I am brand new to DT Register but not to Joomla. I am configuring an event that is a little out of the ordinary. I am sure I will have many questions as I go and here is the first:
This event has a two fee structure - one fee for an Individual registration ($40) and then a second flat rate for a Group registration ($50) regardless of # of participants. Can this be determined ahead of time in the event set up or do I have to configure this differently?
What I have done was to set up two events... one individual registration only, and the other group registration only. This way I can independently set the amounts. Or the following is from the Q+A
Q: Will DT Register allow me to set different registration rates for individuals and groups?
A: Yes! You can have an individual rate and then a group rate that is calculated one of two ways: either a flat rate for a set number of registrants or a discounted individual rate after a set number of people join a group. When someone goes to register for your event, the first thing they will be asked is if they're registering as an individual or as part of a group. You can also set a limit on how many people can register in a group.
Thanks so much for the response! I considered doing the two event approach but did not want the client to get confused when time to manage the data and possibly omit an event when exporting the data.
I ended up figuring out the other solution you offered from the Q+A except instead of a flat rate discount it is a flat rate price raise! This might just work the best for this need.
I am still figuring out this extension as there is so much to it!! Thanks again for your help.