brwalker - something is not wrong. First, make sure you have the 2.8.1a package so you have the latest build in place... but also, did you have multiple group assignments to your super user? I know you said it was super user only... but is this something you have just changed? I ask because you would have to logout and login again for that change to apply.
If you are super user only AND "edit own event only" is NOT checked... there is no reason why you would not see all records. You can submit a ticket for us to take a look if you want.
Thanks - I cannot find 2.8.1a. Orders and download still show 2.8.1. But I think my issue was logging off and then on again. I can now see all records as a super user
The My Orders download is ALWAYS the latest build. We would never tell you to download something that wasn't available
The download file will never include specifics like "a", "b", etc... but when you unzip the package, inside the actual install file WILL give the exact version in the file name. Thanks!