I would like to change the Event Title link in the "Registered Events" tab so that users go to edit that registration.
Currently, when the user clicks on the Event Title it opens a new registration for the event; however, with the CB integration set to pull information from the profile, it sort of looks like the may be editing their existing registration and is confusing when they end up being asked to pay again.
Is this possible? You guys are so good I figure there is a little button for this that you put there 10 updates ago...
Editing registrations is done through our User Panel. There is no direct connection to this from the CB plugin. We'll have to work that into future development.
I did come up with a solution. I created a new link in the top menu of CB Menu. I called it Events. Then I created a menu item under it called Edit Rgistrations and linked it to the DT Register task for editing (index.php?option=com_dtregister&view=user&layout=index&controller=user&task=index).
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