Hello. I'd like that it was possible set on backend acl rule to allows or not the creation of commercial event according to joomla user level. For example: registered user can create only free event and auuthor can create commercial and free event.
Let me know please.
You can not set access control per event, but here is what IS available:
- set access level of public, registered or special on each CATEGORY... so the events within that category are viewable only to those that meet the access level requirement. So you could put appropriate events into the appropriate category.
- events can be set as public or private. Private means only reigstered logged in users can register for the event.
- we also have a full set permissions that allow you to set which user types (registered, author, manager, admin, etc) are able perform certain functions like create events, categories, set configuration, etc. Thanks.
Thanks for your reply. I would like a lot this addon, because i want use your event component in my website instead of default jomsocial event system. In this way i can allow certain users (registered) to create only free events and other users (author) create free and commercial events. I hope strongly that you can add this acl rule .
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
There has been no development towards this suggestion at this point... where you can control if a user can create free or paid events based on their user type.
Not really sure how this would be done anyway, as even if your event is free, you can still generate pricing through selection fields to add in cost even to your free event.