Hello again. Just to be clear, I answered your question here according to what you asked. You never asked if the attendee list showed up INSIDE of the Jevents details page. No one actually has ever asked for that before
We could modify the plugin to add this option, but it is not presently there. For now, you could manually create a link take users straight to the attendee list, which then has a Register now button. This would eliminate the step of going to the list of events. So manually you'd create a link like this:
http://www.yoursite.com/index.php?optio ... &Itemid=xx
- change yoursite.com to your actual domain of course
- replace the xx for eventID with the ID of your event. The easiest way to find this would be to just view the url generated for this event's registration form.
- replace the xx for Itemid with whatever Itemid is used by DT Register on your site.
So, what you want IS possible, just not presently configured in that way. We'll look into modifying our plugin to give this option as part of the next release... which is nearing completion! Hopefully within a week or so the next release of DT Register will be out... and we'll try to make this a part of that