This component looks very promising.
Altough some questions before we buy it ...
1) is it possible for users to register for multiple events before going throught the checkout process ?
2) are the payment options editable like in VM (Virtue Mart)? I mean, can I add/edit existing payment methods like in VM , so that people can pay by banktransfer (without using paypal etc ...)
Is there a way to use html fields like in VM?
3) Is this compatible with JoomFish?
1. No, you currently can only register for one event at a time. However, if you have session choices and such for the event, you can put those in as custom fields so the user can select different classes, sessions, etc as part of the one event.
2. Payment options are not setup as in VM. You have the choices of, ECheck (through, PayPal or Pay Later (offline payments).
Not exactly sure what you\'re asking about the HTML fields... you can create custom fields of all standard types and you the customizable messages you can display throughout the component will accept HTML.
3. We have not fully tested with Joomfish but do know of users that are successfully using it. DT Register comes with one language file currently, english.dtregister.php. You can translate this file into other languages then save it properly as something like spanish.dtregister.php or whatever the designation is for your language in Joomla. DT Register will read the file that is set as your default language in Joomla and Joomfish should use the appropriate file for the language that has been selected.