I\'ve read that Jevents is required. and that you enter events into Jevents. Does that mean I have to go back into DT Register to complete the listing? or did I miss something?
maybe i need to clairfy my question. does Jevents pull in DT register when creating the event listing, or do I have to go seperately into DT Register and complete the registration event?
Not sure if you\'re talking about frontend registration or setting up the event in the admin. On the frontend, you do not have to use JEvents at all. You can go straight to DT Register\'s list of events and register... or use our upcoming events module. We do provide a hacked JEvents file for adding a registration link in the calendar details.
I\'m assuming you are asking about the backend admin though. You start in Jevents by creating the event in your calendar. Then you add the registration details to that event in DT Register. There is nothing you have to do twice... no extra work involved. It\'s actually less work if you are using the calendar meaning you don\'t have to create the event in the calendar AND in DT Register. In DT Register, you will see a list of events pulled in from JEvents that you can select to add registration functionality to them.
You could watch our video tutorials to see the full process. Thanks.