I've purchased Jomsocial and intend to use it for building a community on my website:
Though I've gone through features of DT Register; unable to find out if it can really help us fulfil our objectives. I need some clarification on the following aspects to see if this is what we need:
Background: My business model requires me to create & run online marketing campaigns (can be called events) to accumulate set of audience with a common interest. I intend to leverage 'Events' module in Jomsocial to form each campaign. I am also going to form groups of different nature to categorize students and conduct activity in each event/campaign within a group itself. (Make it work like a group event).
Question: Looking at this requirement, would like to know, how do you see DT fit into my scheme of things?
My least set of expectation:
1) User Registration (User may register directly for a campaign/event); default Joomla registration disabled
2) Conditional fields in the Registration form (Ajax usage; we have few fields that may have dependency on the others.
3) Option to Customize the Registration form (Add /Edit/Remove fields - Custom Profiles)
4) Option to break registration form into 2 or more parts.
5) Separate Login modules for each campaign/event; or any alternate solution that allows us to track success each event separately in Google Analytics (Especially Link tracking of post registration page for the respective campaign)
6) Integration of DT events with Jomsocial events/groups.
Would appreciate if you could give details on how it will gel with Jomsocial events, groups and group-events. Website example if any, would be useful.
This is a kind of rush project and I need to purchase an extension/component that can help me fix my concerns seamlessly.
Do reply with the details. If found suitable, I'll proceed with an order today itself.
Thanks & Regards,