dthadmin wrote: The demo site is fine... just setup and permission items you are dealing with. First, when you create an event on the backend, be sure to select an event owner... and select the user that you are logged in with. The permissions are set where you can edit your own events only... so if you do not name yourself as the owner, you are not going to see it to manage after you create it
If you don't see an event on the frontend, it would be due to a category most likely. Either the category you selected is not included in the menu item, or the category access level is such that you don't have access to it. Thanks!
When I create an event, I am selecting the demo1 user as my individual user doesn't show on the list of possible owners. When I login as the demo1 user on the front end, I don't see the event I created with that user assigned to that user.
None of the categories available on the back end are those that show up in the front end.
Another problem I have is that I can't register for any of the events because the captcha picture never shows up. I've tried three browsers.
I am rather frustrated that your demo doesn't work because your list of features appears to be what we are searching for but because I can't do these simple tasks, we can't go with you because you won't give a refund if it doesn't work on our own site.
Please provide some meaningful assistance.