1) the CSV export, can it be automated using CRON scripts? And
2) does the CSV Export give a report that shows by event the number of seat available at that point in time?
Bottom line, I would need a daily report sent to an event coordinator the number of seats available at that point in time. There are potentially 100's of events and counting names is not going to work. Report would need to look something like:
Hello. There is no method of automating the CSV exports at this time. We have been discussing this and determining the best way to implement something like this. In the meantime, you'd have to script something yourself to accomplish such a task.
The CSV export allows you to select which event(s) then which pieces of data you want to include. It does not include a count of available seats. It can show the number of registrants for each record. Then you can load that export in Excel or a similar program and in seconds have it spit out total count of that column of data... giving you the number registered.
Also, the list of events displayed on the frontend can display both the number currently registered as well as the event capacity.
So exactly what you need is not presently available. We could probably get it added pretty quickly. How soon would you need it?
Besides... I don't know of another Joomla events extension that provides that feature either.