I want to by this mod, it seems very pretty.
But I didn't understand, what is it means " (Single Site)"? Is your mod bound to conctrete domain name?
So, If I'd change domain name - would you mod work on new? F.e., if we develop our site on testdomain.com , can we move it later to workdomain.com?
What about other limitations?
Q: What is the difference between the Standard and Developer Licenses?
A: Our components are licensed under the GPL. With that, there is not an actual coded restriction for installing the components on only one site. However, we will only support the component on one site with our standard licenses. You also get free updates for one year. With the developer license, you have our full support on as many sites as you want to use the component on. You also get 2 years of updates instead of the regular one year.
In addition to that... if you do change your domain name, it will not affect functionality. Just make sure you let us know so we can update records on this end in regards to support. Thanks!