1) Using the demo I was unable to view the Permissions settings of DT Register. When clicking the Permissions link the message "You are not authorized to access this function." displays. Please let me know if there is a way to view this area of the program.
2) I searched the forum for 'Permissions' but am not 100% clear on what this function is capable of doing. Is it possible to limit the front end control panel functions to just CSV Export and the ability to add individual and group records? And can these two functions be further limited to the events "owned" by the user who logs in to manage them? In other words the user who logs in would only be able to see and work with the events associated with their login.
Hello. First, the permissions matrix is only available to super admin users, which is why you can't see it on the demo site.
Second, the permissions takes DT Register control far beyond any other option. You can set each feature (event management, category management, configuration, payment setup, CSV export, etc, etc) and say which user group types have the ability to access each of those functions. This affects both frontend and backend use. You can also specify PER USER if needed to give specific permissions to individual site users.
One of the options is "Edit Own Event Only". When this box is checked for a user group, that user type will only see their own events when they access frontend event management. By default, this is unchecked for super admins to keep they able to access all events. You can of course change that if needed. Thanks.
Thank you for the extremely prompt reply (within minutes!) And for the clarification. I have used DT Registered on numerous projects over the years. Every time I have a new project I would like to use the software on it amazes me how many improvements have been made since the last time I worked with the program. Your efforts are noticed and appreciated! Good day to you! - Dave