In response to various bugs that have been discovered, we have released DT Register 2.3.6. The main area of improvement was in the area of PayPal IPN integration. Further details and items that were addressed are...
* PayPal payments now use PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN). Now, registration records are not created at all until a succesful payment has been made. Also, the user is no longer required to return to your Joomla site after making payment in order for records to be created or emails to be sent.
* Country field for each member of a group registration now uses the regular dropdown like the main form does.
* Corrections made to the calculation and display of group registration costs.
* Saving custom field display options for each event now works even without marking the group registration options.
* Added ability to edit each member of a group registration.
We\'ll keep working hard on DT Register but do not intend on adding any new features until the 1.5 native version is finished.
To upgrade your current DT Register installation, login to your account, go to My Orders and click the Download link. UNZIP the downloaded file and follow the instructions in the included ReadMe file. When you uninstall the current version and reinstall the new one, you will NOT lose any of your events, settings or records. Of course, it is always a good idea to backup your database tables for DT Register just in case.
The next session will be on Wednesday, January 21 at 10:00am (EST). We will go through the new features of 2.3.6, answer questions, etc. Space is limited and you must register. To do so, click here.