I know 2.7.4a was just released, but we have updated now to 2.7.4b to address a couple quick fix items:
- Conditional fields had some problems, mainly in IE, but resolved now.
- BCC was not working in the email registrants feature
- frontend Dutch language file has been updated to 2.7.4
Yea! I upgraded with no issues. Thanks. Curious about the Cart Module. I activated it and while it holds the first item, going back to add an additional item seemed to clear the cart.
Where is the option to add the additional functionality to use the Cart in the component? I am sure, as usual, I am overlooking something.
I've been wanting a way to save emails sent to registrants for a long time so I don't need to keep recreating them for each new event. PLEASE add this item to your next feature list upgrade. Thanks!