We are happy to release a new Upcoming Events module for DT Register! This module shows the next X number of events that are setup for registration. You can configure the module so the event titles link to either the JEvents event details page OR the DT Register registration form for that event. A CSS file is also included allowing you to easily style the module to fit and match your website.
We hope this helps your use of DT Register even better! This module is packed with the download file of DT Register as of now, but you can also get it right here:
This is similar to the issue I have with the subsequent pages of the registration \"wizard\" - they are displayed under different URLs. See it here:
http://www.dthdevelopment.com/tickets-f ... et-38.html
(URL change - updated). My customers are confused, and I\'m getting compaints. I\'m not getting solid help for this issue more then two weeks now. That\'s lame.
Second, you do display all the events, regardless of their \"authorization\" level - some of them might be for registered users only.