Hello! DT Donate does not utilize a username and password at all so it is not tied to any Joomla user. It simply processes the online donations/payments.
Hello Guys again New trends in the No Profit Sector is how can the Organization shape communities, so the question made before should be an achievment for you ... because my idea about Fundraising is the donors was engaged in all the levels of the Organization !! Gonzalo Ibarra [url=http://www.gonzaloibarra.com:91tghpvs]www.gonzaloibarra.com[/url]
What about making DT donate a plug in for Community Builder? I don't think it would be too hard to do. In the meantime, one workaround could be to have a donation link in the Community Builder thank you page. At that point a bit of copy explaining that the user has to enter their info again for billing purposes should take off the edge of entering name and address twice.