What is the best solution?
13 years 9 months ago #13751
Topic Author
We need Donation forms to for clients to order "in memory" or "in honor cards".
The user has to put their info in and can choose options as to what style of cards they want as well as how much they want to donate for the card.
Also they will also need input in a address to send the cards to another address. Options to order more than one at a time, but going to different addresses is needed.
Hello Diane. DT Donate will allow you to create additional custom fields so you can allow the user to select from various options (like drop downs, checkboxes, radio buttons), type in names or info for the "in memory of" or whatever else...
After entering all fields, they would enter the amount (or select from pre-determined amounts) to donate.
Authorize.net is supported as a payment option, but it uses the AIM integration method, so the payment is processed within YOUR site. There is not a redirect to authorize.net. So, you should of course have a SSL certificate on your site. Thanks!