A lot of my issues have been previously discussed. I\'m posting this to try to get some ideas as to what I haven\'t looked at yet in regards to this component and making it work. I\'m using 2.1.4, the latest release I could find.
We\'re running in Authorize.net-only mode and I\'ve copied the API Login ID and Transaction ID from their web site.
When we tried our first test donation we ran into the \"Blank Screen Issue\" described here:
http://www.dthdevelopment.com/index.php ... 77&catid=2
In an attempt to fix that, I uncommented that line in dtdonate.php. After uncommenting that line, I reloaded the dt_donate page and then immediately ran into the \"Weird Character Problem\" described here:
http://www.dthdevelopment.com/index.php ... 45&catid=2
In addition, the same \"blank screen issue\" was happening, so things were almost regressing. Commenting out those lines in dtdonate.php again didn\'t undo the \"Weird character\" problem either. So I ended up reinstalling the component and set it up again with all the proper API Login ID and Transaction ID to make sure I hadn\'t messed anything up. I\'m still getting the same issues.
It was suggested that I try turning on debug mode to see what is going on, but that forces debug information to be displayed on a live site, which isn\'t something I want to do during the day unless completely necessary.
Just to give some background that may or may not be relevant:
This is a dedicated host running Windows 2000 SP4 server, Apache 2.2.8, PHP 5.2.5, mySQL 5.0.37. Apache is running in SSL mode and we have a valid cert from Comodo. I don\'t know if SSL is relevant or not to the solution, but I\'m not planning on using this component if it\'s not working via SSL.