I purchased 2.7d and cannot get it to work properly. It was a fresh install, not an upgrade. How do I completely remove this product from my website? I clicked the uninstall component but I see there are tons of database remnants. I assume I have to drop all tables that have dtregister in the name? What else needs to be manually removed?
Guy, the package has been updated from the version you have installed. We'll be updating again shortly with another set of fixes. Sorry for the inconvenience you've had. Did you log a ticket for your issues? We're digging through tickets currently. Whatever issue you are having, we'll certainly assist. Over the next few days we will be working very hard to address all known issues in 2.7. Yours may already be fixed in the last update.
To answer your question, when you uninstall, the database tables are purposely left. You'll have to manually drop them.